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From Overwhelmed to Renewed: The Power of Self-Care for Life Coaches and Helping Professionals

This one’s for the caregivers- the parents, the coaches, the healers. 

I get it – helping others can be incredibly fulfilling and inspiring. But let’s be real, it can also be draining if we don’t take care of ourselves. That’s why self-care is so important for us.

As a post-traumatic growth guide, I know firsthand how easy it can be to get caught up in the hustle of coaching and forget to take care of ourselves. Burnout, overwhelm, and disconnection can become the norm if we don’t make self-care a priority.

But here’s the thing, self-care isn’t just a luxury or a treat. It’s a must-have in our lives, both professionally and personally. And that means we’ll be better equipped to help others. It’s simple, really. You can’t pour from an empty cup.

What does the research say?

Self-care is a critical component of overall health and well-being. Research has shown that practicing self-care regularly can help reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance cognitive function. For example, a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that individuals who engaged in self-care activities had lower levels of stress and reported greater life satisfaction compared to those who did not.

In addition, research has shown that self-care can have physical health benefits as well. A study published in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine found that individuals who engaged in self-care practices such as dance, meditation, and stress reduction had lower levels of inflammation in the body, which is linked to a range of chronic health conditions.

Self-care is also important for individuals who work in helping professions, such as life coaches and healers. Research has shown that individuals who work in these professions are at higher risk for burnout, compassion fatigue, and other stress-related conditions. However, practicing self-care can help prevent these negative outcomes and promote overall well-being.

Overall, research has shown that self-care is an important component of overall health and well-being. Practicing self-care regularly can help reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance cognitive and physical function.

What does self-care look like for you?

So, what does self-care look like for life coaches? Well, it can be anything that makes you feel good and recharges your batteries. Maybe it’s yoga, meditation, or simply taking a nap. Maybe it’s writing, painting, or going for a hike. The key is finding what works for you and making it a regular part of your routine. 

And part of that is DOABILITY. Just like everything in life, a list of things that require too much time, preparation or money are not going to become a part of your everyday life. This is the key to self-care. It can’t only be reactive, it has to be preventative. 

In conclusion, let’s not forget that as life coaches, we’re in a position of trust and influence. But how can we do that if we’re burnt out and disconnected from our own wisdom? Self-care is the answer. So, make it a priority, trust your inner wisdom, and be a shining example of the power of self-care for others.

Further resources

There are many great books on the topic of self-care for professionals in the helping fields. Here are a few that I would recommend:

  1. “The Body Keeps the Score” by Bessel van der Kolk – This book explores the ways that trauma affects the body and offers insights into how individuals can heal and take care of themselves.
  2. “The Self-Care Solution” by Jennifer Ashton – This book provides a practical guide to self-care practices for busy professionals, including tips on how to prioritize self-care.
  3. “The Burnout Cure” by Julie de Azevedo Hanks – This book offers strategies for preventing and recovering from burnout, as well as insights into the causes and symptoms of burnout.
  4. “The Art of Extreme Self-Care” by Cheryl Richardson – This book offers a comprehensive approach to self-care, including tips on how to set boundaries, prioritize your own needs, and create a self-care plan that works for you.
  5. “The Joy of Movement” by Kelly McGonigal – This book explores the ways that movement and exercise can improve our mental and emotional well-being, and offers practical tips.

Next steps

If you’re a life coach, healer, new parent, or business coach feeling burnt out and overwhelmed, somatic coaching can help. As a post-traumatic growth guide, I specialize in working with individuals in helping professions to heal from past trauma, manage stress and burnout, and cultivate resilience. If you’re interested in exploring somatic coaching with me, I’d be honored to support you on your journey. Contact me today to learn more and schedule a session or check out Body-first Business, my online group coaching program.

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